You Can't Say I Haven't Tried, But I Can Say "I Told You So."

You Can't Say I Haven't Tried, But I Can Say "I Told You So." - Hallo sahabat Chords 057, Pada Artikel yang anda baca kali ini dengan judul You Can't Say I Haven't Tried, But I Can Say "I Told You So.", kami telah mempersiapkan artikel ini dengan baik untuk anda baca dan ambil informasi didalamnya. mudah-mudahan isi postingan Artikel A Lyrics, yang kami tulis ini dapat anda pahami. baiklah, selamat membaca.

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You Can't Say I Haven't Tried, But I Can Say "I Told You So."

what a beautiful thing, life
but you don't know how to survive
i've offered you my hand so many goddamn times

what a beautiful thing, human beings
well, some of them just need a beating
not too hard, or you'll leave your mark

but isn't that what we're trying to do in this world
isn't that what we're trying to do every day?
isn't this what i've said so many times before
you decided to leave your mark on me?

the feeling makes you sick
can you go through with it?

you don't have to stand up for anything
because you have nothing to support your bare feet
once you come down from your high horse
you're in for something that can't be ignored

what a beautiful thing, your face in the mud
and you think that's enough
i was up to my shoulders in it!
now look where we are
you see, my battles have brought me scars
and you don't know how to tolerate the pain

the feeling makes you sick
can you go through with it?

you don't have to stand up for anything
because you have nothing to support your bare feet
once you come down from your high horse
you're in for something that can't be ignored

your ankles will give into the pressure
and your knees will hit the ground
don't say "please stay" because you're not feeling proud
and speaking of, funny how you realized it too late
that we're the ones looking down at your face
what a beautiful thing, you're one of us
but you won't live this down, no!

the feeling makes you sick
do you think you'll go through with it?
we are the ones pounding our fists
breaking down the walls, because we're sick of all this shit

you don't have to stand up for anything
because you have nothing to support your bare feet
once you come down from your high horse
you're in for something that can't be ignored
you don't see because your eyes are closed
not a scratch, tear, or stain on your clothes
with open eyes, we stand so tall
with all my friends, we've built up this wall

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