Verbalizing (HNHH Original) Lyrics - Dizzy Wright

Verbalizing (HNHH Original) Lyrics - Dizzy Wright - Hallo sahabat Chords 057, Pada Artikel yang anda baca kali ini dengan judul Verbalizing (HNHH Original) Lyrics - Dizzy Wright, kami telah mempersiapkan artikel ini dengan baik untuk anda baca dan ambil informasi didalamnya. mudah-mudahan isi postingan Artikel 1000 Lyrics, yang kami tulis ini dapat anda pahami. baiklah, selamat membaca.

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Verbalizing (HNHH Original) Lyrics - Dizzy Wright

I'm Dizzy Wright, man...
It's Hot New Hip-Hop shit...

Ayo, I'm Biggie hypnotized mixed with Nas
With the spirit of Bob Marley and a Rastafari God
Y'all niggas on that wack shit, y'all don't even make me nod
Comin' out of Las Vegas, I hope I make it against the odds
Wakin' up on the job, I fell asleep while I was workin'
Niggas stuck on jerkin', I'm stuck on what's really workin'
Little Dizzy out here hurtin'
Livin' on my own, seventeen years old
With this studio that I call home (break it down)
18 I'm on that function shit, gettin' money shit
Where them dreams fold
By 19 I seen I attracted the wrong people
By 20 I'm gettin' blasted, expressing life through this needle
21 I traveled, ripped stages, like the Beatles
Made fans, thinkin' back when we made plans
Started off a dream, growin', but still the same man
What 's the game plan? Originality creates
Criminal casualties, you tryin' to battle with the case
Yo, I'm good... sayin' more and Tater had to formulate it
See what I saw and couldn't orchestrate it
See, when I die, know that I'm a mean more to Vegas
'Cause they gon' do their research and reevaluate my worth...
It's real shit...
Yo – they say life is a game, hope you can play it well
If I ever get unhappy I'm a pull a Dave Chappelle (respect)
Money ain't enough to make it well (not at all)
If I can't face myself...
Keep it 100 runnin' from what you becomin'
Anxious to see what's next because it's always somethin' comin'
Youngin you don't know the half, be happy you have somethin'
Niggas want the most, get a little and then they brag on it
Karma strikes, and now niggas want me to feel bad for 'em
Salty as ever, my feelings all in the situation (right)
You niggas only give me inspiration (true)
Call it givin' back, I'm sittin' back, emotions more controlled, if
Mad as fuck, no one to talk to, so I'm just smokin'
Music got me open, maybe I'm too outspoken
But I'm so fuckin' devoted, it's all a part of my passion
You fabricate your truth, you choose your rappers off they fashion
I'm just tryin' to be the motherfuckin' package


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